The Most Overlooked Cause of Neck Problems

Chiropractors are trained to identify and treat a number of conditions that cause neck pain. They can also provide you with valuable information about sleeping, sitting and working postures.

Whether you have a minor muscle strain or something more serious, if left untreated, neck pain can worsen. This can result in permanent damage.

Poor Posture

Poor posture is one of the most common causes of neck pain and problems. Typically, the first signs of bad posture are muscle stiffness at the end of the day and pain when turning the head or shoulders up. If left untreated, symptoms will most likely worsen and include numbness or tingling in the arms or hands. If these symptoms persist, a Chiropractor in Kew can provide treatment to help ease the pain and discomfort.

When standing, sitting, or lying down, the proper posture for your head and neck is to have your ears lined up with your shoulders. This position will not only allow for the best balance of head weight between the spine and the neck muscles, but also ensure that you are getting enough oxygen to your brain.

Eventually, repeated bad posture will cause permanent changes to the ligaments, tendons and muscles in the neck. These changes can weaken the muscles, and over time, lead to a loss of flexibility and strength in the neck and shoulders. When this happens, the body will start to rely on the muscle fibers that are used for movement (called phasic fibers) rather than the muscle fibers that normally support posture, and these muscle fibers can become easily fatigued. The best way to keep your neck healthy is to practice good posture, and your chiropractor can help you with this.

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TMJ Disorders

Often overlooked by dental and medical professionals, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) problems can have a huge impact on your life. It can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, and can affect other areas of your body. If you have been diagnosed with TMJ, your chiropractor can help to ease the pain and prevent further complications.

Neck pain is a common problem, particularly for people who spend long hours hunched over computers or smartphones. It can also occur after an injury, such as a rear-end car accident or whiplash. In addition, neck muscles can become overstressed due to stress or overuse, causing muscle strains and tension headaches.

One of the main reasons why so many people visit a chiropractor is because of neck or back pain. However, this is only a small part of the scope of chiropractic treatment, which can address a range of issues that involve soft tissue and joints.

When you see a chiropractor, they will usually use manual manipulation of your spine or other joints. This is commonly known as spinal manipulation therapy or SMT. During this process, you will lie on a padded chiropractic table and the chiropractor will use their hands to apply pressure to your joints in specific ways. This may create a popping sound, but this is completely normal. The aim is to realign your joints and increase blood flow and nerve conductivity, which will relieve pain and improve function.

Muscle and Joint Pain

Your neck muscles might be tense or injured from being stuck in a bad position for too long. Atlas Chiropractic Body Clinic can help loosen the tight muscles and ease your pain. They can also offer exercises, stretches, and massages to ease the tension.

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During your first visit, the chiropractor will ask you questions about your medical history and symptoms. They will also do a physical exam. They will check your neck alignment and movement, and test your strength, range of motion, and flexibility. They may use x-rays to spot issues like spinal misalignment, herniated discs, or arthritis.

In very rare cases, manipulation of the neck can damage blood vessels and cause strokes. The risk is lower with well-trained practitioners.

A 2017 study found that people with hyperkyphosis, or hunchback posture, experienced improvement in their pain and function after seeing a chiropractor. Other studies have shown that chiropractic care can help relieve chronic pain and depression.

Some chiropractors use spinal decompression, a procedure in which the spine is gently pulled into different positions. This pulls back the bulging discs and takes pressure off nerves and other parts of the spine. Other treatments include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, a device that sends low-level electric currents to disrupt the pain signals. Steroid injections can also be used to reduce inflammation. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the underlying problem.


The neck, or cervical spine, is a complex network of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons. When irritated, injured or misaligned, it can cause pain and restrict movement. Many times, this occurs from repeated strain, like turning your head when driving or playing a sport. Other times, it’s the result of a single traumatic event, like a car accident or sports collision.

Even if you don’t suffer from a persistent neck problem, it’s worth visiting a chiropractor to reduce your risk of injury and maintain proper function. Often, this treatment will improve flexibility and posture and help you avoid straining your muscles in the future.

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A physical exam will include a medical history, a thorough physical examination and imaging scans to help pinpoint the root of the problem. Occasionally, the chiropractor may also recommend acupuncture or other therapies.

In some cases, the chiropractor will use a tool called spinal manipulation to restore joint mobility. This involves manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become restricted in their movement as the result of a tissue injury. The chiropractic doctor may also use a technique known as spinal decompression, which uses motorized traction to separate the vertebrae of the neck. This can relieve pressure on discs and spinal nerves, relieving pain and preventing future damage. A chiropractor can also perform adjustments under anesthesia to treat chronic back problems that don’t respond to other treatments.