Physiotherapy Provides Long-Term Relief for Migraine and Tension Headaches

Whittlesea is a preferred destination for individuals with injuries, chronic conditions, pain and dysfunction, and those who require physiotherapy Whittlesea for rehabilitation. The practice provides professional expertise, advanced technology and an extensive array of therapeutic techniques to quickly return patients to their normal range of activities.

Physiotherapy is effective for maintaining fitness, treating injuries and rehabilitation, but what many individuals don’t know is that chronic and migraine headaches can be treated with physiotherapy techniques. Approximately 3 million people in Australia suffer with debilitating migraines and 7 million experience tension headaches.

Adults and children experience migraines and the condition typically manifests in childhood, but aren’t recognized for what they are. Migraine and tension type headaches are the most common forms, seriously affecting academic performance of children and resulting in a significant amount of lost work time and productivity for adults.

The pain and debilitating effects of headache disorder is extremely difficult to understand for those who haven’t experienced it. The World Health Organization classifies migraines and tension headaches as a neurological disorder, but officials there note that many physicians continue to perceive headaches as a minor inconvenience and a trivial complaint.

Physiotherapy offers multiple methods for the treatment of headaches and prevention of future episodes. Many headache disorders are the result of neck misalignments that cause irritation to surrounding nerves. Specialized exercises may be prescribed and treatment options may be used as stand-alone therapies or in tandem with others, depending upon the exact cause of the condition.

Joint and soft tissue mobilisation or traction may be employed to place the neck in correct alignment. Electrotherapy, dry needling and therapeutic massage are effective in relieving pain, inflammation and stiffness. When the neck is misaligned, it also affects the spine and patients can benefit from a postural assessment.

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Physiotherapy professionals provide advice on ergonomics, workstation set up and other accommodations that can be made that fosters proper posture and relieves tension on the neck. Local Clinical Pilates Classes also can aid in the treatment for chronic conditions. Patients receive information about pillows and mattresses that provide the support critical for the neck and spine, appropriate sleep positions, and devices for alleviating stress on the body during slumber.

Treatment and long-term relief for headache disorders are available at Whittlesea Physiotherapy. The practice provides patients with numerous therapies and the means to prevent recurrences, resulting in an improved quality of life free of the debilitating pain that accompanies migraines and tension headaches.

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